Temporary Wall Systems
St. Louis, Hospitality Applications

The Temporary Wall Systems St. Louis team is dedicated to providing containment solutions that meet our customers’ unique needs. Since we opened, our modular containment experts have worked with customers in the Hospitality space on jobs of varying sizes and lengths. Get in touch to find out more about how we can help with your next project.

About Temporary Wall Systems

About Temporary Wall Systems decorated image Temporary Wall Systems provides a low-maintenance and effective containment solution that is versatile and engineered to provide superior performance in any commercial setting. Secure, designed for sustainability, and attractive, our rentable wall containment solutions have applications across many industries and are scalable depending on your project. Our expert technicians take care of everything, so you don’t have to worry about setup, maintenance, or removal. Just get in touch to book a free estimate, and we’ll take it from there.
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What To Expect from our Solutions

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Estimate & Mobilize

We’ll give you a free quote that fits the scope of your project. When you’re ready to go ahead, we’ll clean and sanitize your Temporary Wall Systems, load it into our delivery vehicle and head to your project site.

Icon of a white delivery truck on a navy blue background.

Deliver & Install 

To minimize disruption to your business, we’ll bring the materials directly to your job site on your timeline. Our expert technicians will set up the modular wall system within hours to provide a finished wall appearance. 

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Dismantle & Remove

Our temporary walls are reusable rentals, so when your project is complete, our technicians will return to dismantle and remove them, leaving your work area neat and tidy. If you want to extend the timeline, just let us know.

Icon of a white fork and knife on a navy blue background.

Temporary Wall Systems for Hospitality

About Temporary Wall Systems decorated image

From meeting new safety and hygiene requirements to implementing the latest tech upgrades, public transportation spaces always have a new renovation on deck. It can be challenging to manage these projects in the middle of high foot traffic areas, but using Temporary Wall Systems in Hospitality settings:

  • Keeps construction zones hidden so staff can continue to provide customer service distraction-free
  • Can match the current aesthetic of the space to help maintain a positive customer experience
  • Keeps construction noise and contaminants away from the guests
  • Comes with full-service installation and removal so there are no delays in tight renovation timelines

Get in touch with our team to find out more about Temporary Wall Solutions for Hospitality applications.

Get Your Free Estimate
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HSHS Greenville Hospital

HSHS Greenville Hospital

Location: St, Louis, Missouri
Industry: Healthcare

This is a large, multiphase renovation to several areas of the hospital. Temporary Wall Systems of St. Louis provided ICRA-compliant containment services, including HEPA air filtration, negative air machines, and monitoring. We were able to provide same-day service on several occasions as the job scope changed on short notice, keeping patients and staff safe while construction continued without delays.